2023-2024 Board Meeting Information

Please click on the following link to see the dates and times of 2023-2024 South Pekin Grade School District 137 School Board Meetings. 

2023-2024 Board Meeting Dates.docx

Welcome to a Board of Education Meeting

Welcome to a South Pekin District #137 board of education meeting. The South Pekin #137 Board of Education and District Administration value and promote good communication with our educational community.  As members of your School Board, we are pleased you could join us for this meeting.  This information has been prepared to facilitate your attendance.

Your School Board and You

  • The District 137 School Board is comprised of seven members who are elected by the community-at-large to serve staggered terms of four years.  Board elections are held the first Tuesday in April of odd numbered years.

  • Board Members serve without compensation and are forbidden by law to vote on any business transacted by the Board in which they might have a financial interest.

  • Board Officers are elected by the School Board and serve a one-year term. Officers include a President, Vice President, and Secretary.  The Recording Secretary is employed by and acts at the direction of the Board.

  • No single member of the Board has authority over policy, or the right to act in the name of the Board.

Responsibilities of the Board

  • To employ a superintendent who is responsible to the Board for the management of the schools in accordance with state law and School Board policy.

  • To develop and adopt policies that, within the bounds of community and state guidelines and support, will provide the children of District 137 with the best possible educational experience.

  • To monitor and evaluate all aspects of the District 137 educational program and the administration of the District, in keeping with the mission statement and strategic objectives.

  • To adopt an annual budget.

  • To plan for the future of the School District.

Board of Education Meetings

  • The Board provides Public notification of meetings and annually approves Board meeting dates with any changes or special meetings listed in the local newspaper.

  • The Board receives an agenda and any related information a few days prior to the meeting.  A copy of the agenda is made available at the meeting or may be obtained at the District office several days before the session.

  • Board meetings are governed by Robert's Rules of Order.

  • The "consent agenda" is used for items considered to be routine which do not require discussion or explanation as to the reason for Board action. Any Board member or citizen of District 137 may request withdrawal of any item listed under the consent agenda and move it to the agenda for independent consideration.

  • At the direction of the President, Board Members serve on the various committees, and give oral and/or written reports at each meeting.

  • Action must be approved by a majority of those Board Members present.

  • Periodically, the Board will meet for discussion purposes on single issues or topics. Although these meetings are open to the public, it is at the sole discretion of the President whether or not to allow public participation at these work sessions.

  • State law permits the Board to meet in closed session for the purpose of appointment, employment, compensation, performance, or dismissal of employees, student discipline, purchase of property, litigation, and/or negotiations.  However, no official action may be taken in a closed session. Closed Session Minutes are considered for release by the Board twice a year.

  • Special meetings may be called by the President or by any three Board Members to conduct emergency business or discuss immediate concerns affecting education in the District.  Such meetings require a 48-hour written or 24-hour personal notice providing the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. 

Community Participation

  • A specific time is set aside for public comments, generally at the beginning of the meeting.  Individuals or groups intending to address the Board are strongly encouraged to contact the superintendent's office in advance so time can be planned accordingly.  It is also encouraged that any presentations be submitted in writing prior to the board meeting for distribution to all Board members.  If that is not possible, it would be helpful to leave any written documentation for further clarification.

  • Since all public meetings of the Board are a matter of public record, each speaker when recognized by the presiding officer should give his or her name, address and announce the general subject before presenting views.

  • Since the Board's responsibility is setting policy for the school district, members of the public should direct their comments to policy matters.  Citizens are strongly encouraged to contact the teacher, building principal or Superintendent first with questions or concern, particularly those questions of a factual nature.  Personnel matters relating to a specific district employee or student are not appropriate for discussion at an open Board meeting.

  • Each speaker will have the opportunity to speak for (5) minutes.  If a large number of speakers are present, the presiding officer may shorten this time.  It also may be decided by a majority of the board, that more time may be allotted on a specific topic and that additional time may be given at the end of the meeting, a special meeting or at the next regular scheduled board meeting.  If a group with similar views on the same issue wishes to address the board, if possible, it is encouraged to have a spokesperson selected to address the board.  Total time of audience presentations may be limited to 60 minutes.

  • The President, upon majority vote of the board, may deny a request to speak, to a person who has previously addressed the Board on the same subject or similar subject within the past two months.

  • Citizens should not expect to receive an answer to their questions at the meeting.  However, the Board of Education and District Administrators will make every attempt to respond to an issue or question.  A written answer or verbal communication will be provided no later than 30 days from the date of the meeting.

In all matters concerning a student related issue, the Board asks that the classroom teacher be the first point of contact.  If the problem is not resolved at this level, the principal of the school should be contacted.  If the matter remains unresolved, the issue should be brought to the attention of the superintendent, who will provide advice concerning District policies and explain how, if appropriate, the matter may be brought to the attention of the Board.

Mission Of District #137 Board of Education

The mission of our South Pekin #137 Board of Education is, in an active partnership with parents and community, to promote excellence in a caring environment in which all students learn and grow. This partnership shall empower all students to develop a strong self-esteem and to become responsible learners and decision-makers. The school district is committed to developing and using a visionary and innovative curriculum and a knowledgeable and dedicated staff.


  • Provide the highest quality of academic programs and services

  • Consider the needs of students while making decisions 

  • Listen actively to all stakeholders

  • Open communication creates a good working climate for good decision making

  • Truth and respect are essential both internally and externally

  • Continuous growth comes through self-evaluation, assessment, and research-based action

  • Community support is imperative to our success

  • High expectations produce higher results

  • Good character and citizenship should be modeled by adults and learned by our students

The goals of District 137 Board of Education are to:

  • Ensure all the students achieve to their highest potential

  • Provide open and meaningful communication with all stakeholders  

  • Operate in the most efficient and cost-effective manner that supports student learning efforts

  • Maintain a cohesive organizational system which facilitates/fosters a positive, productive climate with a highly qualified staff

  • Provide facilities conducive to student learning and growth based on the input and support of our community

In order to implement goals, the district will focus on student achievement, public communication and collaboration, and organizational effectiveness.